· 2 minutes read
Free Software
This has been followed up by: Why I got into Veganism,
I find food habits at Free Software events weird.
People in general may have different reasons for choosing to use
Free Software, some
may use it for the price, others because of pragmatic reasons,
simply put it’s the best tool for the job. Others may choose it for
ethical reasons.
I didn’t get into Free Software for any of the said reasons above, I got into
Free Software because it seemed different and fun. The free price point is
what made it possible for me as a teenager to play around with it as I did.
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· 4 minutes read
Setting up the Weechat Android
Play Store
relay client over SSH can be a bit tricky and quite bad at giving useful error messages. So since I’m
going through a re-setup of that I’m also writing down my notes here.
Weechat configuration
Type the following commands into Weechat.
Placeholders such as {port}
and {password}
will be used here and later
on. Suggested default port is 9000
, but you need to chose something
unique on your system. This is especially important if you have a multi user
system. Setting a {password}
is also especially important if you have a
multi user system.
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· 6 minutes read
Note: I’m not a doctor, dietitian or ergonomics expert. I just have spent a
lot of time to find something that works well for me. This is my experience
and you can probably take inspiration for it, but don’t do stupid things and
seek expert advice if you need it.
In parts of the IT industry abbreviations like
RSI and
gets thrown around fairly often. I’m guilty myself of doing this.
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· 4 minutes read
This is a follow-up post for my earlier post: NixOS ❄: tmpfs as root.
When you start to go down the route of setting up a “pure” system that is as
clean as you want it to be on each boot. You may start with the lazy route of
using a persistent partition for your home directory. But it never feels
quite right. But initially it’s so convenient to choose this path.
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· 6 minutes read
This post covers both EFI and legacy boot setups.
One fairly unique property of NixOS is the ability to boot with only /boot
and /nix
. Nothing else is actually required. This supports doing all sorts
of weird things with your root file system.
One way is to do like Graham’s post “erase your darlings” describes and empty
your root file system each boot using ZFS snapshots. This way have some cool
things that you could do on top of his setup, such as doing snapshots when
it’s running and roll-back to empty on boot. That way you actually can go
back to recover files you lost but still have an empty state.
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· 4 minutes read
This is a sneak peak into the future 20.09 release of NixOS.
The PHP packaging ecosystem in NixOS has been in a quite sad state for a long
time. Partly because of the lack of people caring about PHP in Nix, but also
that PHP is a bit weird when it comes to packaging.
State of PHP before NixOS 20.09
Due to the lack of ability to do clever things like the python community does
with =withPackages= to compose a package with the dependencies you need we
have defaulted to provide a huge default package to accommodate all needs.
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· 3 minutes read

This is a quite unusual post for this blog, it’s not what I’ve expected to
put on here. But I wanted to share it somewhere more permanent than many
other places where I hang out on the internet. So here it goes.
I’ve been knitting for a bunch of years now, and some years ago I was
intrigued by a knitting method that is called double knitting. In theory it’s
fairly simple because you basically make two knitting’s at the same time in
parallel and mirror the pattern.
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· 6 minutes read
So for a long time I have wanted to replace my file server, because it’s an
old HP Microserver that is really slow. And at the same time I have had this
beast of a desktop tower PC that I haven’t used with a Xeon and 32GiB ECC
memory that has just been turned off due to noise. The obvious solution is to
re-purpose that install and move it to a location where noise doesn’t matter,
e.g. the closet (a.k.a the server room) where the file server lives.
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· 1 minutes read
Hello world! This is a test blog post.
This is an external link example.org. Internal link start page.
This is a block quote element.
This is an inline code
Test of syntax highlighting
;; Define the hello function
(defun hello ()
is my
(message "world"))
;; Call the hello function
# Define the hello function
hello = {}: "world";
# More tests
boolean = true;
fileimport = import ./src/file.nix;
# Call the hello function
message = hello {};
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello world")
# Define the hello function
function hello() : void {
echo "world";
// Call the hello function
Sample text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Tempor orci dapibus
ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue lacus. Donec ac odio tempor orci dapibus
ultrices in. Faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus. Pulvinar
sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero. Magna sit amet purus
gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras
tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue. Ut morbi tincidunt augue
interdum. Enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et. At augue eget arcu
dictum varius duis.
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