Weechat Android SSH relay setup

Setting up the Weechat Android GitHub Play Store

relay client over SSH can be a bit tricky and quite bad at giving useful error messages. So since I’m going through a re-setup of that I’m also writing down my notes here.

Weechat configuration

Type the following commands into Weechat.

Placeholders such as {port} and {password} will be used here and later on. Suggested default port is 9000, but you need to chose something unique on your system. This is especially important if you have a multi user system. Setting a {password} is also especially important if you have a multi user system.

# Add a relay
/relay add weechat {port}

# Add a relay password
/set relay.network.password "{password}"

Weechat Android configuration

SSH setup

Generating an SSH key

You need to generate a separate private key for storage on the phone to be able to connect to the server securely. So what I do is that I generate a new private key on a laptop, then I transfer the private key in some secure enough way to the phone and then make sure to deploy the public key to the server where weechat runs.

# Generate a private RSA key using openssl.
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096

# Get the public SSH key from the private RSA key.
ssh-keygen -y -f private.pem

I know what you’re thinking: “Why not just use ssh-keygen to begin with?”. This is because of this which still seems to be an issue: https://github.com/ubergeek42/weechat-android/issues/317#issuecomment-421756006

Add the public key to your server

Make sure to add the public ssh key to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your server to allow connections. You get the public key by running ssh-keygen -y -f private.pem as described above.

If you want some extra limitations on how this key may be used you can prepend the key with the following string:

command="echo 'This account can only be used for weechat relays'"

Remember to replace {port} in there. The IP in there may be replaced by a local host name. But that must be reflected in the relay host settings in the app.

Connection settings in Weechat Android

This is also part of the tricky bit, there’s a big bunch of settings and all of them needs to be “just right”, otherwise it will fail and you will have no idea why.

So this is an ASCII reflection of the settings menu with descriptions of what to insert:

`-- Connection/
    |-- Connection type        => SSH tunnel
    |-- SSH tunnel settings/
    |   |-- SSH host           => Public DNS name or IP
    |   |
    |   |-- SSH port           => Public SSH port number
    |   |
    |   |-- SSH username       => Your SSH username
    |   |
    |   |-- Private key        => Paste the contents of private.pem here.
    |   |                      => You have to find your own way of
    |   |                      => transferring this file to your phone in
    |   |                      => a way that you think is “secure enough”
    |   |
    |   `-- Known hosts        => Paste the output of the command
    |                          => "ssh-keyscan {ssh-host}" in this field.
    |                          => This is less sensitive than the private key
    |                          => but it's still easiest to run it on a
    |                          => computer and transfer it to the phone and
    |                          => paste it.
    |-- Relay host             => is probably fine. This is the IP
    |                          => to connect to after you have tunneled over
    |                          => SSH. So that's why it becomes localhost.
    |-- Relay port             => Port defined in weechat settings.
    `-- Relay password         => Password defined in weechat settings.

Other Weechat Android settings

These are more a documentation of my personal preferences, nothing really required for it to work. Just my preferences.

|-- Connection/
|   |-- Reconnect on connection loss     => [X]
|   |-- Connect on system boot           => [ ]
|   |-- Only sync open buffers           => [ ]
|   `-- Sync buffer read status          => [X]
|-- Buffer list/
|   |-- Sort buffer list                 => [ ]
|   |-- Hide non-conversation buffers    => [X]
|   |-- Hide hidden buffers              => [X]
|   `-- Show buffer filter               => [ ]
|-- Look & feel/
|   `-- Dim down non-human lines         => [X]
`-- Buttons/
    |-- Show tab button                  => [X]
    |-- Show send button                 => [X]
    `-- Volume buttons change text size  => [ ]